Elkink, J., Farrell, D., Marien, S., Reidy, T., and Suiter, J. 2020. The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum, Electoral Studies. (online first, 2020).
Bächtiger, A., Chambers, S., Cohen, J., Druckman, J., Dryzek, J., Farrell, D.M., Felicetti, A., Fishkin, J., Fung, A., Gutmann, A., Landemore, H., Marien, S., Mansbridge, J., Neblo, M., Niemeyer, S., Setälä, M., Slothus, R., Suiter, J., Thompson, D., Warren, M. 2019. “The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation”. Science. 363 (March 2019), pp. 1144-46
Farrell D.M., Suiter, J., Harris C., Cunningham, K., 2019. Ireland, The effects of mixed membership in a deliberative forum: the Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012-14. Political Studies. Published online first.
O'Malley, E.,Farrell, D,M., Suiter, J., 2019. Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change. International Political Science Review, Published online first.
Suiter, J., Farrell, D,M., Harris, C., O'Malley, E., 2019. La première Convention Constitutionnelle Irlandaise (2013-2014) : un dispositif délibératif à forte légitimité? Participations 20:2018: 2
Farrell, D.M., Suiter, J., Harris, C., 2018. Systemizing Constitutional Deliberation in Ireland: the 2016-2018 Citizen Assembly in Ireland. Irish Political Studies. 34:1, 113-123
Suiter, J., 2018. Deliberation in Action–Ireland’s Abortion Referendum. Political Insight, 9 (3), pp.30-32.
Suiter, J., 2016. Post-truth politics. Political Insight, 7 (3), 25-27.
Elkink, J., Farrell, D.M., Reidy, T., Suiter, J., 2016. Understanding the 2015 marriage referendum in Ireland: context, campaign, and conservative Ireland. Irish Political Studies.
Suiter, J., Farrell, D.M., O’Malley, E., 2016. When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from the Irish Citizens’ Assembly. International Political Science Review, 37: 2: 198-212
Farrell, D.M., Suiter, J., Harris, C., 2016. The challenge of reforming a ‘voter-friendly’ electoral system: the debates over Ireland’s single transferable vote. Irish Political Studies
Farrell, D.M., 2014. ‘“Stripped down” or reconfigured democracy’, West European Politics. 37: 439-55.
Farrell, D.M., Suiter, J., O’Malley, E., 2013. Deliberative Democracy in Action Irish-Style: The 2011 We The Citizens Pilot Citizens’ Assembly. Irish Political Studies, 28:1: 99-113
Harris, C., Carney G., Farrell D.M., 2013. ‘Rule by the People? Alternative perspectives on citizen participation in democratic policy making’, Administration, 60 (3)
Farrell, D.M., 2013. ‘Deliberative democracy Irish-style: Ireland’s Constitutional Convention of 2013’, Inroads 34: 110-17.